Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Bible Study!

On Friday night I got together with the women from my church for the first time so we could introduce each other and get to know one another better... and it was so great!

Right before I met up with the girls, I was feeling pretty nervous. A whole bunch of new people that I had to get to know--some of which already know each other--and then figure out a way to lead/teach them... yikes! Definitely made me feel slightly pressured.

But I am still very excited about it all! Still feel pressured a bit... but, not necessarily in a bad way. And I am so excited to get to know these women better! They are all so beautiful and different! I know they're going to challenge me through all of this, and I'm looking forward to it.

Please pray for us!

(Btw, we are calling ourselves DOEs. "Daughters of Eve." hehe. Cool name, eh?)

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