Monday, May 4, 2009

The 14th

So Jin told me that the 14th of every month is "special" and marked by some couples holiday... that merchants made up, of course! (And I thought America was bad...)

Well, I was definitely intrigued by this... especially since Jin couldn't remember what the days were marked by. Needless to say, I decided to do a little research on my own and this is what I've found:

May 14th"Rose Day"
On this day, couples exchange roses.
June 14th"Kiss Day"
Kiss everyone you meet on this day.
July 14th"Silver Day"
On this day, people exchange silver accessories.
August 14th"Green Day"
On this day, couples seek nature and relax while singles drink Soju to drown their loneliness.
September 14th"Photo Day"
On this day, take a picture together with your significant other in a romantic place and put it in a special place to look at.
October 14th"Wine Day"
On this day, enjoy wine with someone special.
November 14th "Movie Day"
On this day, couples go to watch a movie at the cinema.
December 14th "Hug Day"
On this day, couples hug each other in the winter to chase away the cold.

These are in addition to the more popular ones, being: Valentines Day (Feb 14th), White Day (March 14th) and Black Day (April 14th).

V-day differs a little here. The girls get the guys things--like chocolate. And then White Day is when the guys get the girls things--like candles and candy. Then Black Day is for all the single people! They get together and eat black noodles, called Jjajangmyeon, and drink soju to down their sorrows and comfort each other for having been single a whole 2 months. Apparently that's rare here?

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