Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Samduk sol!

For dinner one night, my friend and coworker Nicole took me to have my first Korean dinner done right! It's called samduck sol (pronounced sam-duck-sol). It's pork, and you cook it over a grill in the middle of your table! It comes with sides you're supposed to eat it with/on.

First, you cook the pork. It comes in strips and you have to cut it with scissors when it's been cooked enough. Then you put the pork in the lettuce leaf, with rice, a red bean paste, bean sprouts, kimchi, garlic (roasted if you want), and onions soaked in soy sauce with a lil wasabi on the side. You roll it into the lettuce leaf and shove it all in your mouth! It's actually pretty delicious.

However... one thing was not so delicious. Apparently a much-loved side dish here is bundaegi. Basically, it's cooked silk worm larve. And you just pop them into your mouth. Yep, you eat them. When the lady first brought them out... I was so naieve and was like "oh, what's this? Do we put this in the leaf too?" haha. Thankfully, I took a closer second look. And noticed they had legs. Ew.

Also, I realized that I took a video of the Buddhist prayers and forgot to post it! So here it is:

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