Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Few Days

I got into Daegu safely. The cab driver who picked me up was a little crazy. Didn't speak any english, drove like a bat out of hell and didn't have any seat belts in the back seat (which is apparently not normal). My first impression of Korea was cloudy/foggy and very mountainous. The city is pretty much like Chicago with buildings crammed close to each other... but there's not as much diversity in the architecture.

My first night in my apt was cold. Apparently they haven't turned on the gas yet, so the heat doesn't work, the stove doesn't work and the hot water isn't hot. I also don't have a phone yet, or internet or TV connection. But they say it wont take long to set those up. My room is more like a studio... I took some pictures so when I get internet set up at my apt I'll put them up. (For now I'm using the school's computer.) The bed, TV and dresser are in the main room, the bathroom is a tiny separate room. It's a lot like the bathrooms in Greece with the toilet, shower and sink all in the same area and no separation. The kitchen is in a separate space too, along with the washing machine. Apparently they don't do driers here... they line dry everything!

I have pretty good cabinet space, but there's nothing in them like I thought there would be. So i have to find a few dishes, etc. Also, I have a little mini-fridge... so that's going to be interesting too. Kinda like being back in the dorm again. haha. There's also mold growing on the wall in a huge patch... so I told them I was allergic to it and it would make me sick if they left it. They don't know how to clean it though so they're going to cover it with another layer of wallpaper! Oh brother. All the walls need to be cleaned actually... But the apt is similar to some studios I've seen in Chicago. And there were no sheets on the bed and the bed is as hard as a rock. Did I mention it was cold? I miss home!!!

It's a little frustrating not being able to read/understand most things here... but I'm at the school learning about my class schedule and who I'll be working with and the curriculum... so that's really exciting! I'm planning to see my friend Christine tonight as well.

Oh, the flight over was SO long. And I realized I don't mind flying alone usually, but flying alone internationally sucks. I exchanged some won in Seoul, but haven't been able to find a calling card yet. I'm hoping to soon. Brian (one of my bosses/coworkers) is showing me around a bit, and as well as some of the other teachers... So it seems like I'll be pretty busy for awhile!

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