Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Sunday

I know this is a little late, but I wanted to relate my first church experience since so many have asked about it.

My church experience was interesting. I prayed that God would make it perfectly clear which church I should go to, so I can get involved right away. I didn't want to be left hanging too long in a foreign country, especially only knowing people who aren't Christians and who go out drinking every weekend. And it's not like in Chicago where I could spend time looking around for a good church to be involved in. There are very few English services around these parts!

Through websites and Korean coworkers I found a few churches that had English serivces. Of those few, less were close to me. After calling around and getting no luck in checking out their English service information... I called the number for Dongshin Presbyterian Church's English service contact. The guy who answered the phone was a Kiwi named Karl, and told me a bit about the church and then asked about my church background, etc. When I brought up that I had gone to Moody, Karl excitedly stated that the pastor for the English church had too! I finished the conversation feeling like God was leading me to where I should be.

On Easter Sunday, I got lost on my way to the church. That was to be expected a bit... but I got more lost than I thought I would. The directions weren't that clear to begin with, and then my sense of direction was a bit thrown off. After a few failed attempts, I was finally frustrated enough to pray. Soon after, a Korean that spoke perfect English came up to me and asked "Are you lost?" I was astonished and relieved! I asked him if he knew where the church was, and come to find out he had gone there as a child! Him and his friend kindly directed me to the church, and we talked along the way.

I finally arrived just as the sermon was starting, said "hi" to Karl and took a seat. The service took place on the 5th floor of the Activity center for a very large Korean Presbyterian church. There was a good mix of foriegners and Koreans, but everyone spoke English. Come to find out later, there was also many other new people going to church for Easter Sunday! Another thing that was a pretty awesome surprise was that halfway into the sermon, the guy that helped me and his friend came into the service and sat down in front of me!

After church, I met a whole bunch of people... more than I remember now. I talked to the guys that helped me and the pastor for awhile. The talk with the pastor was at first overwhelming, because I told him I would like to know more about the church and being involved; and since he knew I was from Moody... he really laid it on me!

Even though it was overwhelming, and much different than I expected... I still feel like that's where I should be. I mostly feel this way because of conviction and the fact that their needs match my abilities/what I want to do! They have need of a Theology bible study, starting a Women's group, and help with Children's church. haha. However, I need to actually get to know the church members... and that means opening up. Which I'm not the best at in the beginning.

I need to step outside of my fears and insecurities to open myself up to this church to love and grow with them! Eek! And even though I'm excited to get involved, I still feel so inadequate to help at all. What keeps playing over in my head is when Paul says that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness... I pray this comes true!

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