Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Church Update:

I went to church this past Sunday with my friend and coworker Brendan. On our way there, I saw another foreigner come out of the building next to mine. We commented on it cause we didn't know there were any other English speakers living close to us! When we got to the church... the guy was there! It was such a funny "coincidence" that we introduced ourselves. Later, the church was doing a scavenger hunt of sorts and we were on the same team! It was fun, and he reminds me so much of an old friend from home. So yeah, pretty awesome to have a cool Christian neighbor right next door!

But this time around at chuch was funny because even though it's only my second time there... people that I had met the week before were excited to see me, and were glad I was there. It was interesting that I could start feeling comfortable there so quickly. It's definitely because the people are opening up to me first!

The pastor's wife, "Jenna" --her english name, approached me again about the Women's Bible study. She talked to me about getting it together and leading it. She had already talked to the girls about their interest, and apparently everyone is highly interested and we already have 11 girls willing to do this! Wow. God is really putting this together. Now, if only I could catch up. I have about a month and a half to get to know the girls, and hang out with them... then they want to start having the actual bible studies the first week of June. I'm excited to get to know these girls... and I can only pray that God shows me how to challenge them and bring them closer to Him.

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