Friday, August 28, 2009

Starting now...

I have signed a new contract with a different school. So, that means I am here for another year. Obviously, this is both good and bad... It means another year away from friends and family back home. But it also means a little more time to make money. I guess that all-in-all it's ok because I'm not exactly sure where I would go after here anyway. I know I want to go back to Grad school... I just have no idea where. Or which subject I want to study more in depth.

I found out I wont be able to go home for Christmas, too. That about broke my heart because I've been set on the idea forever. BUT I think I will be able to go home sometime during the winter... *hopefully.*

So I start my new job Sept 1st, and I'm a little nervous but excited too.

I'm also officially moving into my new apt this weekend! I've already got a ton of stuff at the new place and only need to move the other half. I also have a gym membership in my building! I feel like I actually have a life here... it's strange. But I'm so excited to live with the girls from my church!

*ALSO* my Korean studies are going pretty well! So... hopefully I can learn enough to use it in America...?

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