Monday, August 17, 2009

Church Picnic!

I love church picnics and I really miss them. It makes me nostalgic for the days when I was just a lil girl and my church did the huge picnic/potluck-everybody-bring-a-ton-of-food thing. *sigh* Those were the days. This time my roomies and I were apart of the "bring food" group. We were in charge of... salads! Yay! lol. Not the most exciting, I know. But I think we did a pretty good job.

Our favorite was a fruit salad. Tharine cut up most of the fruit, and I mixed the delicious "coating"... vanilla pudding powder with pineapple juice from the can! It tasted SO delicious...! I wasn't too thrilled about having to make a pasta salad though. Especially since Korea is very limited on what kind of dressing you can find. I like the things that GO in pasta salad, but cold pasta is just SO not appealing to me. Or apparently to most people, I think, considering how much left there always is!

Well we actually grilled out at this park on the side of a mountain... and it was beautiful. I think I'm definitely getting spoiled by all the natural beauty around here.

I am enjoying my new church family a lot, and I hope this just keeps on.

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