Sunday, August 9, 2009

Keepin' Busy

Sometimes it feels like all there is to do now is stay busy. And wait.

Wait for a change of residence. Wait for a change of jobs. Wait for opportunities to come my way.

I'm trying to keep myself busy with my amazing friends from church and soon-to-be roomies. It helps (but I still miss Jin).

Tharine (one of my new roomies) stayed over for a few days this past weekend since she's inbetween places to live at the moment. We can't move into our new place for another week, and her school let her go at the beginning of the month. And since the schools usually control the housing... yeah, you're homeless. I think both Tharine and I are really happy that we're going to "own" our own place. If something happens to our job, we'll still have a home.

The other really nice thing is that Tharine and I will have this place the whole next year we have our contracts! However... Eli's (my other roomie) is finished next year... She's not sure what she'll do yet.

It's definitely nice because more and more this church and its people are becoming a family to me. Even though I know it's not permanent here, I don't feel like I'm drifting... and that's nice.

It's so double-sided because I love traveling to new places and seeing/experience new things... but I miss having a home. A stable place where the people have known you for years and love you and want you around. I guess right now home is still Florida... with my parents there and some of my dearest friends... I guess it will be for awhile. I just still need to figure out how to feel "at home" in a foreign land. I think I'm learning...

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