Monday, July 6, 2009

A Proud Moment

Yesterday I ordered delivery for the first time here in Korea!!!

I wasn't completely on my own, which was a good thing. Jin was there to help and coach me! He taught me what to say and how to order, what their responses might be... etc.

It's a little difficult because even though I know what to say to order... I'm not exactly sure what they're saying back to me. (Eek!) So potentially that could cause problems. But Jin encouraged me to just hang up if it happens. hehe.

So we did a few practice runs with Jin being the "delivery guy," and then the moment of truth came. I was so nervous! But I called the store... and after a little while (and one call-back) our food was on its way! Success!

Needless to say, I feel like I might be able to survive at least partially on my own in this country. ;)

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