Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthday - Part 2

On Saturday night after going hiking with Jin, I met up with Christine and a few of her friends for Indian food! There's a popular Indian food restaurant up by one of the universities called "Maya." It was the first time I had actually sat down to eat Indian food at an Indian restaurant! (The owners and employees were Indian too!) It was delicious! Spicy... but delicious.

There were 3 different types of curry dishes... all so good! And there was yogurt to add to them if they were too spicy... I definitely made use of it! There was a dumpling filled with veggies and you dipped it in mint sauce, but it was WAY too spicy for me! There wasn't really a way to tone it down either. Oh well. But there was nan! YUM! There was butter, garlic and veggie nan. Melt-in-your-mouth good. There was also a very strange round piece of dough for dessert. It was a little too sweet to enjoy though. It was covered in a sugary-syrupy paste. Bleh.

Then Sunday I celebrated with all my friends! The plan was to go to a pastry shop, buy a cake, then go to the dessert/smoothie shop next door. It turned out to be fantastic! There was a little confusion with all our orders at the smoothie shop (called "Can More"--I dunno why), and they even ran out of some fruit juices. Which was so tragic! But it all worked out.

These are some great girl friends from Church (and Women's Bible Study)! We took up a good amount of the place with all the people we had...! Whoops. haha

Jin's high school friend "Kenny" was able to come too! He goes to my church as well, and it's great running into him every Sunday! His birthday gift to me was so thoughtful too! ...It was a Kid's poster to help them learn the Korean alphabet! Absolutely perfect. Jin and Kenny were pretty funny that night... and oh so chatty.

It was fantastic having my close friends there... My birthday started out rough, but they definitely knew how to take care of a homesick-culture shocked-23-year-old girl. :)

(Needless to say I REALLY miss the smoothie places back home... *sigh* Planet Smoothie... Jamba Juice... I hear them calling my name!)

All in all it ened up being a pretty great birthday weekend. I am so thankful for all of my friends who made it so special... <3

1 comment:

  1. omg! i can totally relate to the part where you said you miss Jamba Juice. me TOO! ^_^ planet smoothie just does not reach the same level of quality. in fact, i haven't had one since i've been home [i refuse] -> reason being the last time i went i was so disappointed and just wanted Jamba Juice all the more. oh well...
