Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Cup Fever

*cheering* Dae-ha-min-gook! Fighting!
(meaning "Republic of Korea")

So with their last game against Nigeria, Korea tied and made it into the finals! This game was much better than their last disappointment against Argentina (where they make men as big as monsters).

Yay Korea! ^^

Speaking of cheers... Koreans have SO MANY organized cheers for their team. It's really cool, actually. Especially when you're in the middle of a big crowd in Seoul shouting and cheering for their team to win! Even if you don't understand all that's being said... you definitely get the general idea. The great part is that if you wear a red shirt and cheer just as loudly, they make you feel like one of them! ^^ We were definitely cheering along!

Korea fighting! Go Korea!

(This video includes the official Korean chant sung by pop stars with an "official" dance that is so wonderfully demonstrated. Enjoy!)

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