Monday, May 24, 2010


For our long weekend, during Buddha's birthday, we decided to go to Seoul!

We stayed at Windflower Guesthouse by Hyae-hwa... and it was ok. We did wait a bit too long to book it, so all the "nice" hostels were already taken. I don't think I'd recommend Windflower for a long stay. Even three nights was too long. The set-up of the rooms is pretty bad... we had to walk through a "mixed" room where 4 people were sleeping, to get to our "private 4 person" room. They hated it. We didn't exactly like it either.

ANYWAY~ besides the sleeping arrangements, our time was pretty fantastic! We went to Everland on Friday (which was the craziest idea we've had in a while), and then went shopping on Saturday and watched JUMP!

It's a comedic martial arts performance. Basically, the best slap-stick humor you'd ever see! ^^ Afterwards, we bought this poster and lined up for their autographs. Assa! hehe

The show is about this martial arts family, and the boy the grandfather brings home to marry the granddaughter.

...And the drunk uncle. hehe. I don't know how he managed to act like that! It was incredible!

--More pictures on Everland coming soon--

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