Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Family Holidays

Today is "Children's Day" and this Saturday is "Parent's Day" here in Korea.

They really celebrate family here because the kids treat Children's Day like Christmas! They get all these gifts from their parents and grandparents, and their parents spend the whole day with them! (Which is rare in Korea, especially for fathers.) The families go to amusement parks, movies, and zoos to play. The day before Children's Day, public schools have a Sports day (similar to the American "Field Day") with races and small, fun competitions. The parents come and watch and cheer their child on.

I just recently learned how "Children's Day" started in Korea. Apparently a man named Bang Jeong-hwan, who wrote childrens' books, wrote "An Open Letter to Adults." In the letter he asked adults to "speak to children with respect, and speak softly." One translation of Bang Jeong-hwan's letter says:

"Children are the future of our nation. Let's show respect for children. Children who grow up with ridicule and contempt from others will become people who disrespect others, while children who grow up with respect from others will become people who respect others in turn."

I think Korea, more than most nations, realizes the value of their children. The mothers especially help their children in whatever way they can. They would probably even walk over glass!

I'm glad the kids have a day to relax with their family and just play like kids are supposed to... even if it's only one day. Sometimes I think the value that's placed on the kids can be too much pressure, since they're expected to succeed in all they do.

I think being a kid in Korea is hard, so this one day is like a breath of fresh air!

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