Monday, June 8, 2009

More Food... More Fun

So this past weekend included more food and shopping downtown! Jin decided to be brave and try something new for lunch and got a sweet pumpkin sandwich... and let me try some! It actually wasn't too bad!

Then we filled our Saturday with shopping! *For him* At a shoe store I was so impressed by a certain display of Gortex hiking shoes...

Which turned out to be fake! UGH! The nerve...

Soon after, Jin forced me to take a picture with some Korean historical reinactors--which I'm glad he did cause it was pretty funny! I just wish I knew who they were supposed to be...

Then for dinner we stopped by a Korean BBQ place. Delish! They had a salad bar that came with the meal (which, btw, are NOTHING like American salad bars). Well, at this salad bar... they had banana pudding! I was super excited, until I saw this:

This slimy, jello-y, milky white substance... is NOT pudding. And it barely tasted like bananas.

I tried to explain this to Jin, but to no avail. He's a stubborn Korean that will not accept the Western truth. haha.

On Sunday Jin introduced me to another strange and slightly disgusting phemonena in Korea called a snowcone sundae. When he first told me about snowcones here, I was excited because they're fun for the summertime! However, this is what he actually meant:

Ingredients include: Vanilla softserve ice cream, milky snowcone ice-flakes, red beans, cornflakes, small pieces of pineapple and peaches (?), and balls of rice cake rolled in powdered sugar. YUM!

We did see a funny sight from the store though! It had started to rain just a bit outside, and apparently a few girls didn't have their umbrellas with them. ^^ (Koreans do tend to pull out their umbrellas at the slightest sprinkle of rain...)

Conclusion: Good weekend! (Strange food and all!)

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