Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Korea again

Thailand trip over. Back in Daegu once more... with food poisoning. Stupid Smoothie King. I didn't even know you could get food poisoning from a SMOOTHIE! Just goes to show... you never know what evil is lurking around the corner. (haha)

Sad thing is: I'll miss Eli's "going away" party because I'm too busy throwing up... and I had to post-pone some of my packing because I have no energy.

Good thing is: I saw Oppa (Jin)! hehe. It was dumb that all I could do was lay down and talk with him... but it was so good having him around again. ^^

So Thailand was incredible... so many stories to tell! And of course, I need to sort through my pictures, post them and write about my experience to share with all you my loved ones. hehe. A thoroughly daunting task, especially with the move on my mind. Well, it'll happen eventually.

Here's a teaser though!

Mmm... I miss the food already...

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