Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cherry Blossom Festival

At my roomie Tharine's suggestion we went to Jinhae (진해시) to see the Cherry Blossom Festival. Cherry blossoms come out in the spring and watching them bloom is pretty amazing. In about a week or two Korea goes from bare brown trees to green buds and white blossoms everywhere! It's definitely something worth seeing. Everyone goes out even if it's still a little chilly because you can feel the change.

So there's mountains (of course) in Jinhae and a beautiful walking bridge with cherry blossom trees planted all along the sides of it. The brochures call it "romantic." haha. Either way it was pretty. As like everywhere else in Korea, there were a lot of street vendors there. We got some cotton candy and some yut (), also called "pumpkin caramels" in English. The yut is kinda like taffy, but not as soft. And it comes in many different varieties. We bought it cause the Korean with us (ie. my roomie Eli) loves it. hehe. It's pretty tough on the teeth though.

There's also this great view of Jinhae from a tower near the downtown area, but to get up you either have to take a cable car or climb 365 steps. The line for the cable car was sooooooooooo long; it was ridiculous! So we definitely opted for the steps. Even though there are a lot of steps, honestly it's not as bad as climbing an actual mountain! In other words, it was do-able. ^^
To sum it up: It was a nice day to walk around and enjoy the fresh air with my best friends here in Korea.

1 comment:

  1. i've always wanted to go to a cherry blossom festival!!! *jealous* [in a good way:]
