Saturday, February 20, 2010


It's something I never thought I'd do. That's for sure. It looks too hard and too dangerous. Anyone that knows me knows I'm not really a risk-taker... I don't mind thrills but I don't like getting hurt.

Well, this opportunity was too good to pass up! Apparently everyone goes snowboarding and skiing in the winter since there are so many mountains and ski resorts. And it's so cheap! Less than $100 for the bus ride, clothes and equipment rental! So I decided to go snowboarding because only the old people were skiing... and I had already gone skiing. I did want to try something new.

Let's see... it was REALLY hard. I got frustrated. I had to kinda teach myself. A few friends showed me how to start... but from there I was on my own. And there's A LOT to learn from there. I was really sore too! My legs were shaking. haha. But it was also pretty cool. I could see why you would enjoy it after getting used to it.

I looked at getting a lesson, but since they would have to speak English... it would have to be a 1-1 private lesson. That's a lot more expensive... about $200. Yikes! So, I decided to save my money and learn the hard way.

I was able to go twice this winter and I really enjoyed it! I only hope that I don't forget it all by next winter. ^^

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