Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Summary of FL

1. Weather was wonderful and I love FL sunsets and walks in general

2. Shopping is wonderful... except when you have to do a bunch of it in a week...

3. Friendships are complicated! (But worth it)

4. I really do miss American food. There wasn't enough time to eat all I wanted to.

5. It was really hard leaving home, and I cried... but being back here isn't so horrible.

***One thing I regret is having to sleep. I tried not to, but my body wouldn't listen.

****And I hate jet lag.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good time!!! I'm so sad I missed you, but I wanted to let you know that I now have a webcam at home, so we should totally chat it up some time!
    Love you and glad you had a safe trip home.
