Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today, the day before I leave, very few things went right.

I tried to transfer money to my account back in the US and it didn't work. I thought I had dealt with that problem weeks ago with calls and visits to the bank already! Well, it was happening again... so I spent all morning on the phone with Citibank trying to figure out why it wasn't working with a Korean woman who spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her!

The most frustrating part wasn't even that. It was the fact that they had NO IDEA why it wasn't working. They told me "oh, it's because of this!" and we did something different and it STILL didn't work, so then they'd say, "oh, it's because of that!" and we did it all over again. I was on hold for 30 minutes, and then they called me back three times only to say we have no idea why it's not working. Actually, the reason they came up with in the end is that you can't send money to yourself, so that's why it's not working. Which is complete BULLSHIT.

Because of that I was late going downtown to meet my friends for lunch (and didn't even get to eat with them!), and because of that I was late taking my dog to the Animal Hospital for boarding, and because of that I was late to work and had to pay for an expensive taxi to avoid being MORE late.

And I didn't get to eat lunch.

The only thing that went right was that when I was downtown I was able to get my friends the presents I was looking for.


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