Saturday, December 26, 2009


is great. It's like I never left.

But Korea's great too... It's weird.

I'm LOVING this!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today, the day before I leave, very few things went right.

I tried to transfer money to my account back in the US and it didn't work. I thought I had dealt with that problem weeks ago with calls and visits to the bank already! Well, it was happening again... so I spent all morning on the phone with Citibank trying to figure out why it wasn't working with a Korean woman who spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her!

The most frustrating part wasn't even that. It was the fact that they had NO IDEA why it wasn't working. They told me "oh, it's because of this!" and we did something different and it STILL didn't work, so then they'd say, "oh, it's because of that!" and we did it all over again. I was on hold for 30 minutes, and then they called me back three times only to say we have no idea why it's not working. Actually, the reason they came up with in the end is that you can't send money to yourself, so that's why it's not working. Which is complete BULLSHIT.

Because of that I was late going downtown to meet my friends for lunch (and didn't even get to eat with them!), and because of that I was late taking my dog to the Animal Hospital for boarding, and because of that I was late to work and had to pay for an expensive taxi to avoid being MORE late.

And I didn't get to eat lunch.

The only thing that went right was that when I was downtown I was able to get my friends the presents I was looking for.


Sunday, December 20, 2009


The man I am helping learn English wanted to give my parents and I a gift.

So he decided to ask his friend the artist (one of the most famous calligraphers in Korea) to make something for us.

This is a Korean fan. The letters he printed on there are in Chinese... but they say "Man should do the will of God." Apparently since Chinese was the language of the educated, that's what most calligraphers write in.

He also made one for me! This one is in Korean. It says "Happiness is in my chest!" It was really cool. I was only sad that I didn't actually get to see him make them.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'll Be Home for Christmas!

With only one more week to go before I'm HOME... I can't stop thinking about it. It's weird being in a culture that doesn't celebrate Christmas.

PEOPLE here celebrate Christmas... but the culture doesn't. There's a few decorations up in some stores, and one or two major streets have lights on them... but it's SO not the same. It makes me REALLY miss America. And so glad I'm going there soon!

I've been sinking a little into culture shock once again. (Not sure if that's possible...?) But getting definitely homesick with each passing day, and less tolerant of things I don't understand in Korea.

The first thing I'm going to do (besides see my best friends and family) is go to Best Buy and get my freakin computer fixed! I tried to figure out the process of getting it fixed overseas... WOW. It sucks. I'd have to pay for all the costs and then they'd pay me back in about 2 months. Yuck. I'm just praying they can get it fixed before I leave!

And then the next thing I'm going to do is go shopping at a drug store for necessities... that are in ENGLISH! And then I'm going to have something amazing for dinner. And then grocery shopping. And then Christmas.

Ugh... I am so homesick... I can hardly wait!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Apsan Round 2

So I climbed Apsan back in the summer with Jin, and it was warm and beautiful then.

Well, my roomies wanted to go get some fresh air... and we knew it was cold, however we thought we'd warm up as soon as we started hiking.
\Basically what happened is we took the cable car up, walked around for about 30 minutes, and took the cable car back down.

Yes, Tharine found "snow" up on the mountain. I guess we shouldn't be surprised... it is technically winter...

We were FREEZING. The wind really does it to ya...

We did bring Noona though! She loved the mountain hiking... but was definitely shivering the whole time. We weren't sure if it was just from cold, or being scared, or excited about her first time out!
We did have a fun time! But next time we decide to go hiking in the winter, we're wearing everything we've got!!!