Friday, November 13, 2009


A few things about Korea and me living here:

1. I've eaten more tofu in my life here in Korea than I ever thought I would. Ever.

2. This is the most excited and motivated I've ever been about learning a language... and I'm actually not bad at it!!!

3. I really do like teaching. But only sometimes do I like teaching kids.

4. I don't like Korean bosses. Or older Korean men in general...

5. I like listening to Korean pop music! Never thought I'd admit it, but I do.

1 comment:

  1. haha! i love the tofu comment. i bet you didn't know there were that many was to eat it eh? :) and i totally agree with you on the Korean pop music. although, i must say Dr. Park got me hooked on Korean Soap Operas and that's probably more of a favorite than music. hehe
