Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chusuk / Jeju Island!

My friends and I made a last minute decision for our long Holiday weekend (Korean Thanksgiving) to go to Jeju Island! It's Korea's vacation spot... kinda like America's Florida.

Eli, me, Sally and Tharine in the airport
(our friend Rob is taking the picture)

It was a little stressful catching our flight because we thought we weren't going to make it... even though it was at 2 pm. hehe. (We had missed our train to the airport...)

We arrived in Jeju safe and sound! But not sure where to go/what to do seeing as we hadn't planned the trip. Yay for spontaneity!

With the help of friends back home and their wonderful internet access, we found a place to stay that was nice and in the middle of the best part of the island! Close to the beach and other interesting attractions. We loved the name too: "Sugar Beach."

Since we couldn't rent a car or scooters for lack of an international driving license (and none of us even WANTING to drive in Korea)... we took taxis everywhere. Sadly, that trip caused my dislike for taxis to grow considerably. But we still had fun together!

While there we visited what everyone said was the most beautiful side of the island. Waterfalls, "hot springs," beautiful scenery, fun mazes and delicious food! The beach was wonderful as well even though our stop there was short-lived (due to a taxi).

It was a great trip and I definitely want to go back again! There's so much to do there... Coastal bike rides, hiking the local mountain/volcano, multiple beautiful beaches, and caves to explore! I'm praying the winter months go by quickly. I'm already ready for summer again!

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