Friday, September 11, 2009


So a few weekends ago, the three of us girls decided we'd been thinking about getting a dog long enough. Our friend volunteers at the local dog shelter, so we decided to stop by and see what there was to see.

There was an overabundance of shitzues and poodles... both of which I hate. (I'm sorry, but I'm into cute dogs. hehe) But there were a few cute ones! There was a large puppy we called One-Eye (for reasons you can guess) that we wanted to take, but the lady said that he would grow to be bigger than a Jindo (which is the white Korean dog as large as a Great Dane)... so we decided it wouldn't be the wisest thing to do.

So we decided on one... and then another! We were talked into it. ^^;

Both are mixes. The boy, Ba-bo (Korean for "silly"), is a Pomeranian mix--and I don't like those dogs either... but he's cute. The girl, Noo-na (it means "older sister," it's what Korean guys call an older sister or older female friend), is a Che-something. We couldn't understand the lady.

As of right now, they are both sick. Babo is very sick... and the vets don't seem to be very good here. People in Korea definitely think of their dogs as toys instead of living things. ~.~

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