Monday, July 20, 2009

My Birthday

My birthday was both good and bad.

On the day of, I was incredibly homesick. I cried the night before. I cried the day of. I opened my parents' card... cried some more. I even cried at work. I could hardly help it. Ugh. My boss was nice about it, and he tried to cheer me up with a gift, a pep talk and a cake. I really appreciated it.

After work Brendan took me to the hooka bar and cheered me up a little. It's definitely a nice setting in there. Low lighting, cushions to relax on, and relaxing music. Pretty fun!

My birthday weekend was 10x better than my actual birth-day. On Saturday Jin took me hiking! We explored a good part of a mountain close by. I can actually see it from where I work! The hike absolutely KILLED me though. haha. These mountains here are so steep! Maine is going to be cake by the time I'm done here.

Steep path/steps up the mountain!
Yeah... it was pretty windy up there. But the view was beautiful!

More events from my birthday weekend to come later...!

1 comment:

  1. so...why are you drinking from a plastic bag??? [or should i say what??] LOL ^_^ cause that's what it looks like. oh, and i have almost the same picture of me and a hooka. haha! :)
