Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

My Christmas in Korea:

My Charlie Brown Christmas tree and dollar-store decorations

Decorating the tree!

The finished product, complete with Christmas candles

Even better at night

Christmas eve get-together with friends at a "game room"

The punishment for losing the game was getting "bopped" by a stranger (hehe)

Merry Christmas from Korea!
Love and miss you all

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Strep Throat

After two months of being sick, the doctors have FINALLY figured out what's wrong with me.

I've had strep throat.

I never heard of a doctor NOT being able to diagnose that on the first go-around.

You know what the doctor said to me the FIRST time I came in (after not being able to talk for 2 days)? "Your tonsils are fine, but your throat is infected. It's not serious."

I couldn't talk when I visited him. That's not serious? Wow.

Props to public health care for being cheap. What sucks is that the doctor sees you for 5 minutes. If you're lucky.

Thank God they finally figured out what was wrong!