Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good-bye Sally!

One of our dear friends, Sally from Iowa, is leaving us to get married in the States. We were able to throw her a Bachelorette Party (along with Mingki) before she left!

Here's a few fun pictures from the event...

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Job (Again)

As many of you know, I have had to change jobs again. Hopefully, God-willing this is the last time. I will be here another year, and have a better position than before! I am working at a private Christian elementary school as an English teacher with my roommate.

It's a little outside of the city, so it can be difficult to get to... but other than that stress (and the fact that classes start so early in the morning!), it's a better place to be. I feel like my work actually matters since I am at a real school and not an academy parents force their children to attend. I have walls I can decorate and crafts to give the kids, as well as a TV to show video clips or presentations.

I have grades 2, 4 and 6... and even though I feel the responsibility of teaching children... I can't wait till I'm teaching adults/college students. That's still my dream.

Having to sign up for another year has created a few future problems. My roomies are both finished in August, and so is our lease for the apt. I will have to find a new place by myself for about 7 months. I'm already anxious about it... but God has done so much for me so far. I'm sure He's big enough to handle this too.

Trusting God has been a struggle... but then I realize how independent I'm NOT in this foreign country with a different language and culture... and I turn to Him all over again. I'm just praying that I use this next year here wisely.